Get together. Lansare fanzin. DJ set
Sâmbătă, 23 martie 2024, 6 PM-9 PM, Bastion 3, Hector 1, Timișoara
Dragi prieteni,
După un an plin ca niciun altul, cu momente bune dar și multe provocări, în care am fost nevoiți să ne despărțim de locația noastră binecunoscută, ne bucurăm, în sfârșit, să împărtășim cu voi câteva vești extraordinare.
Indecis a fost și este un spațiu orientat spre comunitate și v-am simțit mult lipsa în tot acest timp, așadar vă invităm sâmbătă, 23 martie 2024, de la 18:00, la noul nostru spațiu: Bastion 3, str. Hector nr. 1, unde ne veți găsi de alături de The Secret Garden până în 31 mai 2024.
Din programul de sâmbătă:
🪩 O avem alături pe Juni H Toch R cu un Dj set
🐢 Răsfoim fanzinele “Yu-Go-Turtle-Go”, realizate în cadrul atelierului Partizani în spațiu – Cozzzmonautica 2023, după un scenariu propus de Rena Rädle & Vladan Jeremić. Au contribuit: Ana Kun, Lucian Barbu, Fabiola Pascu, Peter Abraham Fukuda Loewi, Elona Giubega, Florin Fara, Dona Arnakis, Carine Arnakis, Arnold Schlachter, Ioana Balint, Mihut Emilia, Ciortuz Alexandrina, Malina Voisan, Sasha Vlasceanu, Vlad Cadar and Vladan Jeremić.
Nerăbdători să ne revedem și să ciocnim un pahar împreună! 🥂
Cu drag,
echipa Indecis artist run
Get together. Zine launch. DJ set
Saturday, March 23 2024, 6 PM-9 PM, Bastion 3, Hector 1, Timișoara
Dear Friends,
Long time no see! After a year full like no other, with good times and many challenges, in which we had to part from our well-known location, we are finally happy to share with you some great news.
Indecis has always been and continues to be a community-oriented space, and we have missed you greatly during this time. Therefore, we invite you to join us on Saturday, March 23, 2024, starting from 6:00 PM, at our new location: Bastion 3, Hector 1, where we will be hosting our activities alongside The Secret Garden, until May 31.
Another great joy is to announce that Gavril Pop, visual artist and theorist, is now officially part of the Indecis artist run team! We are happy and grateful that our paths have crossed, and we are confident that we will experience wonderful things together.
At Saturday’s event, we will have Juni H Toch R with a DJ set. At the same time, we’ll be flipping through the fanzines “Yu-Go-Turtle-Go”, based on a scenario proposed by Rena Rädle & Vladan Jeremić and created during the workshop Partisans in Space – Cozzzmonautica 2023. With contributions by: Ana Kun, Lucian Barbu, Fabiola Pascu, Peter Abraham Fukuda Loewi, Elona Giubega, Florin Fara, Dona Arnakis, Carine Arnakis, Arnold Schlachter, Ioana Balint, Mihut Emilia, Ciortuz Alexandrina, Malina Voisan, Sasha Vlasceanu, Vlad Cadar and Vladan Jeremić.
This is the first event dedicated to the general public in a series of planned events for the year 2024, about which we can’t wait to tell you more soon.
We are looking forward to seeing you again and raise a glass together! ♥
the Indecis artist run team
The project is organized in partnership with the Municipality of Timișoara, through the Projects Center.